
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


It was so tempting to name this post "Davao Scandal."  That way it can potentially lure traffic for people seeking sex videos or naked photographs.  They say it's one of the most profitable ways to earn money online.  But then again, I really don't want to do it that way.  And it would probably be best to keep those types of readers away from this personal blog.

While this post won't be about a sex scandal in Davao.  I would still definitely consider it a scandal that happened in December 2011, right here in Davao.
Shamcey Supsup - Miss Universe 2011 3rd runner up - Miss Philippines 2011

Just came back from an office Christmas party where I was selected to be a judge for a dancing competition and a search for the company's Mr. and Ms. participated by the employees.  Being among one of the few invited guests in the party,  I had no choice but to comply with their wishes.  "It's an office Christmas party," I thought,  "what could go wrong?"  Despite the unfortunate obligation set upon my shoulders, I truly enjoyed watching the contests and I judged them to the best of my abilities.  

Everything went smoothly until the time came when the winners were announced.  All the "Best in" awards were given to a single contestant both for the male and the female divisions!  Suffice to say, both employees took home the crown as well.  

Clearly something went wrong in the computations.  One girl stood out in a not so good way, yet she landed 3rd place!  I was sitting there as a judge and felt so ashamed.  I was among only three judges.  It was definitely one of those moments where in I wanted to walk out from.  The silence of the usually rowdy crowd said it all.

You sit there and pretend that everything went just how it was suppose to and yet the sad looks on the losing contestants penetrate deep into you.  It's heartbreaking.  While this may be regarded as just a small time beauty contest, which is how the organizers probably perceived it as well,  to one of the contestants, it could have been her Miss Universe moment.  It could have been a self-fulfilling event where she crosses that thin line between losing ones confidence to having confidence in ones self again.

It reminded me of a Halloween costume competition I witnessed way back when I was still around 10 years old.  During that event, I remember having blurted out "luto" ("rigged") when the winners were announced.  The best costume was awarded to the contestant who's costume was designed by a famous designer who so happened to be a close friend of the owners of the establishment where the contest was held.  While another contestant whose costume beautifully stood out from the rest of the competition, never even got a special award.               

The world is simply not fair.  

While there was no intentional rigging - I'm assuming that it was a simple computational error in the contest I judged in,  I just want to point out that organizers should at least put as much effort in ensuring that everything is done fairly, equal to the effort these contestants put to prepare their entry into the competition.  

While everything is done is the spirit of the holidays and in the spirit of fun, I believe fair play must still be preserved.  What say you?

Or am I just being too serious again? 

Merry Christmas Everyone!


After not being able to post this last weekend because of service interruptions from my Internet Service Provider (Bayantel) and sleeping over it, I came to the conclusion that I was over thinking stuff.  hahaha (^o^)/  Regardless, it was still embarrassing to sit there as judge while some of the prizes didn't go to the deserving winners.  
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